Writing is my therapy and an activity I LOVE doing. I’ve kept a journal since 5th grade (wait until I publish THAT someday!) and it’s kept me sane, held my tears and provided some good hearty laughs. I’ve also written numerous articles, blogs, newsletters, speeches, lectures, proposals, show treatments, pitches and a screenplay that is in development with some really groovy people. Oh, plus a website or two.
Below is a list of books that I’ve had the pleasure of contributing to whether it be via an interview or my own little fingers at work on the keyboard. Over time I’ll be rounding up more of my written work to share with you, and then don’t forget to visit STAGES & CAGES to read the spontaneous ramblings of a Kick-ass Actress and Ass-kicking Animal Advocate.

"Beautiful Old Dogs Photographs" Garry Gross St. Martin's Press

"Acting for Camera" Julia Fulton, Kendall Hunt Publishing 2011

"Best Thing About My Ass Is That It’s Behind Me" Lisa Ann Walter, Harper Collins Publishing 2011

"On the Set" Paul J. Salamoff, Tavin Press 2009

"Wake Up Women: 'Life’s Leading Lady" Elaine Hendrix, Wake Up Publishing 2008

"Voices of Breast Cancer: 'Thank you, Granny Ruth” Elaine Hendrix, LaChance Publishing 2007

"How to be a Magnet to Hollywood Success" Michele Blood and Rock Riddle, Musivation Publishing 2005